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Six Word Challenge


Six Word Challenge graphic 5

In partnership with Get Schooled, we are proud to announce the launch of the Six Word Challenge! Based on the Hemingway legend, we are asking fans of The Giver to submit their own “Six Word Stories” that describe the novel. It can be a summary of the story or a description of a character, but either way be mindful of “precision of language”!

Be sure to tag @waldenmedia, @getschooled, and include #TheGiver in your tweets to participate! Kids aged 13-19 who register on GetSchooled.com will be eligible to win prize packs, including movie tickets and autographed copies of The GiverHead over to Get Schooled for official rules!

Example tweet: “‘Precision of language’ lies in truth. @getschooled @waldenmedia #TheGiver”

A big thank you to Lori Johnson from Lexington Christian Academy for sharing this fun lesson plan for our Teachers are Givers contest earlier this summer!